This is how The Wonderstruck Printmaker is eco-friendly.

I am constantly learning and working towards better practices for the planet, both in my day to day and in my art practice and business. We only have one Earth! 

When you get a print from me, here is what I want you to know:

  • As much as possible I source my materials locally to reduce my carbon footprint. 

  • Because I have an Etsy shop, considerations about shipping are really important, this is what I do: 

    • I  use 100% recycled mailers, backing boards, and envelopes for shipping

    • I also wrap my prints in 100% recycled tissue papers and print my shipping labels using a thermal printer.

    • Speaking of which: all my shipping labels are printed on zero-waste material. These labels have a release liner (the plastic backing) that is 100% recycled and curbside recyclable. The actual label is also recyclable. 

    • My business cards are printed from 100% recycled cotton fiber from T-shirt offcuts that would otherwise be thrown away and generate waste.

    • When, for display or safety, I need a transparent protective cover of my prints, I use 100% recycled plastic. The wonderful people at Eco-Enclose do a wonderful job at explaining why using recycled plastic has the lowest carbon footprint of all current available options, including compostable sleeves. Read it HERE .

  • I also compost, reuse, and/or recycle all the paper waste that I generate as well as carboard boxes and other materials I receive.

This is, of course, a continuous practice. As I learn of new and better ways to reduce my impact on the planet, I will update these practices.

Let me know if you have any questions!